#89: Dan Giffin - Live Producers Online


Dan Giffin is a musician, producer, and engineer, who runs the site Live Producers Online, which is a social membership site for learning Ableton Live. Dan’s podcast, Ableton Live Music Producers Podcast, centers around learning Ableton Live, and features many exciting guests who share their own personal stories and experience. Philia is the name of Dan’s musical project, and he just released a new album, Miracles Happen All The Time Vol. 1.

I’ve been a fan of Dan’s podcast for a while now, and after meeting at Ableton Loop, we finally connected and had the chance to talk. Dan discusses how he arrived where he is today, recording, producing, and engineering at The Lodge Recording Studios. He discusses his music and his teaching of Ableton Live. Dan shared lots of interesting stories we can all learn from.

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Show Notes: