Previewing Output's Movement: Video

I'm normally one to stick with the stock Ableton Live devices or Max for Live. I feel that most of what other 3rd party plug-ins do can be accomplished with the right know-how of the included tools. Plus I know how tempted I get to just explore presets and never actually make any music! But today I want to show you something that I think is does things that are either impossible or at least would be super time consuming otherwise. 

Output's Movement is a powerful audio effect plug-in that is designed to give your sounds, well, movement. It's so important, especially when working in the box, to give your sounds life and feel. Movement does this quickly, easily and intelligently. 

Check out this video below. I've got a beat made with my Analog Drums Ableton Live Pack, and a chord progression using Ableton's Operator. It's the default Operator preset (which is actually incredibly useful, especially for deep bass lines). It's a single oscillator set to sine wave. It's about as pure and static a sound imaginable. Listen to how Movement transforms it into something deep and interesting. It's quite incredible in my opinion, and extremely inspiring!

Check Out the Analog Drums Ableton Live Pack

All of the drums sounds from the video come from a single preset from my Analog Drums Ableton Live Pack. I wanted some dirty, gritty and heavy sounding drums, so I ran 489 drum samples through the filter of my Moog Sub Phatty analog synthesizer. My main objective was to add a warmth and more than subtle distortion to my samples. I was very pleased with the turnout! One of my favorite techniques these days is to layer in a preset from the Analog Drums Pack with cleaner sounding drums. It gives drama and action to choruses and are really nice for tracks that require a saturated, in your face sound.

The full Pack contains 20 Drum Rack presets and 489 drum samples. You have complete control over the full drum kits as well as the individual drum sounds in each kit. I've got a free sample Drum Rack here.  Learn all about the Analog Drums Ableton Live Pack here.

Analog Drums

Drums created from vintage drum machines, vinyl records, and synthesizers run through Moog Sub Phatty Filter. 20 Drum Rack presets containing 489 samples.