This Ableton Live Tip Will Save You Tons of Time

Precious and Delicate Inspiration

Inspiration is fragile. It's like holding water in your hands.  It's only a matter of time before it slips away. And it doesn't take much to steal it from you.  Five minutes searching for a cable or an adapter, an unexpected email or text message, or digging through you Library of sounds in search of a preset or sample can be enough to completely derail your flow.  

Live's Browser's Search Can Save You Serious Amounts of Time

We all have enormous libraries of sounds, presets, and samples. Even if you know exactly where things are, sifting through them can eat up valuable time when inspiration is high.  All the time you probably spend searching through folders and Places during a typical session really adds up. The minute you feel inspiration, the clock is ticking.  It doesn't take much to ruin it.  Don't let a routine like finding sounds from your library be one of those distractions.  

My 42nd Two Minute Ableton Live Tip is a demonstration of how much time you can save by using the search function in Live's Library. On a Mac, you access it by hit Command-F. Then start typing what you are looking for, and results start popping up instantly. Hit the down arrow a few times to highlight what you are looking for and press Enter. Bam! The item you are looking for is in your project.  

Check out the video below as I show you how and offer you a few tips on how to name your presets so that you can find what you are looking for as quickly as possible. It won't make your basses thicker or your mix louder, but it will streamline your workflow and keep you on task to get those jobs done.  Plus it will make you look like a fast moving ninja! Enjoy!  

Save Time with My 'Playing Live with Ableton Live' Video Course

Do you want to perform live? I spent years refining my Live set, working out the kinks, and streamlining it.  I made a lot of mistakes and spent a lot of time with trial and error before I got it right.  Don't do the same.  Get my Playing Live with Ableton Live video course and learn from my experience.  As an Ableton Certified Trainer, I share tips and tricks, shortcuts and wisdom that will get you performing live in no time. If you don't like it, I'll give you your money back! So take a major step forward today and check out the course.