Bonus Presets for the Roland JX-8P Ableton Live Pack!

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to All!

I have a special holiday treat to all the people that bought the Roland JX-8P Ableton Live Pack. It's 15 more Instrument Rack presets! These presets were built by Mike Longo, who carefully sampled his Roland JX-8P for this Live Pack.

If you own the Pack, you should have already received an email with the new download!

If you don't own the Pack...

Roland JX-8P

47 Ableton Live Instrument Rack presets, built from multi-samples of the Roland JX-8P built-in presets. Complete with Macro Controls for effects and filtering. Designed for expressive playability with your MIDI controller.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to All!